Ship Services

In water Surveys & Inspections

Highly qualified specialists from O2 Group pro­vide comprehensive survey reports, high-quali­ty images ,condition and evaluation audits on vessels located all over the world, whether afloat or in dry-dock. Surveys and inspections can be arranged quickly, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.


  • Complete hull surveys
  • Inspections on rudders and bearings
  • NDT underwater inspections
  • Special inspections upon request
  • Dry-dock extension inspections
  • Damage assessment inspections
  • Paint/epoxy and hull
  • coating inspection

Underwater Ship Repairs

Providing a service that is both versatile and effective, O2 Group has built an excellent reputation in underwater repair and replacement specialists. Building on an ever-expanding worldwide network of offices and support bases, provide fast service at reasonable costs.


  • Hull and rudder
  • Propeller cracks repairs
  • Insert Plate Repairs
  • Blank off sea chests suctions and discharges
  • Bow thruster repair
  • Replacing echo sounders and speed logs
  • Replacing ICCP protection Shields
  • Repair of ballast tanks
  • Underwater Welding and cutting

Propeller Polishing

O2 Group assure doing job properly to keep the propeller in an ultra-smooth condition (Rupert scale A or A+) and that’s where the real fuel savings can be achieved, the cost of the polish will only be a small proportion of the fuel savings, and therefore the most important factor to be conside#00aeef by the customer is the quality of the polishing.


  • Our equipment provides a suction force to the propeller surface with maneuvering over the blade face easily by the diver
  • We can use abrasive sizes down to 360 grade grit to produce a thinnest surface finish

Underwater Welding and Cutting

O2 Group Assuring the integrity of underwater welds, especially underwater welds with defects which is difficult to detect.


  • Sacrificial anode replacement
  • Rope guard repairs
  • Rudder and hull repairs
  • External doublers plates 

Hull Cleaning

Fuel Saving is the major reason for making underwater hull cleaning an integral part of planned maintenance, O2 Group utilizes unique technology for cleaning of large, seago­ing vessels, Offering complete solutions to the ship industry for planning, accomplishment and documentation of underwater-cleaning, with equipment contribute to more efficient operating and Environmentally Friendly Hull Cleaning.

  • The brush kart compact hull-cleaning machine, capable of removing mild or tenacious hull fouling from a variety of coatings, including low surface energy coatings which are frequently used on commercial vessels. dealing with extreme marine growth without damaging the fragile surface
  • The brush kart allows the operator to bring a choice of cleaning heads gently into contact with the hull until they are just cleaning and no more. Having selected the correct cleaning pressure, to maintain this level.